off grid life

No Excuses

Okay so I have gotten myself well stressed and non functioning of late – because of my lost girl.

2017-07-19 17.13.54

The good news is that she has been sighted and someone, who lives in that area – #Alaçati – has kindly offered to try to catch her and take her in until I can get there – (three hours drive and I don’t have a car!!)

And so with my heart not quite so heavy, I am getting my show back on the road.

Am currently working on a knitting book of dolls – working title – A Family Affair.  It involves bodies, clothes, hair and the finer details.


Left to right are – Grand Ma, Grand Pa, Little Boy Billy, Dad, Pregnant Mum and Big Sister Mia.

They will all have complete, multiple wardrobes so you can imagine the chaos surrounding me just now.  I have jackets, dresses and hair everywhere.

We have done a lot of travelling in this Country (Turkey,) but we are currently holed up and working hard through the winter.


With a whole load of strategies to work through first, a plan is emerging to live off grid by 2020.  But more of that later.